Pho is a famous Vietnamese breakfast dish. Pho consists of 2 parts: the broth and the filling.
Because of the specificity of the dish, pho is rich in starch, so most will eat it in the morning and at noon. Pho broth is a wonderful blend of natural flavors, with a strong broth of cinnamon, anise, simmered beef bones and many other spices. The broth is simmered for about 10 hours, so it’s very sweet, and anise and cinnamon are baked before cooking to bring up a distinctive flavor.
Hanoi noodle soup is large, not too thick to keep its softness. The meat has just arrived and on top is the part of herbs such as scallions, coriander, onions… The hot broth is poured into the bowl of pho and many people often eat it together.